Our Community health needs assessments

The Atlantic General Hospital Corporation (AGH) is an independent, not-for-profit, full service, acute care, inpatient and outpatient facility located in Berlin, Maryland. We provide 24-hour emergency services, inpatient and outpatient diagnostic and surgical services, and intensive care services. Since opening our doors in May of 1993, Atlantic General has remained steadfast in serving the healthcare needs of our region's residents and visitors.

Our hospital values and recognizes all the communities it serves. We combine the latest medical treatments with personalized attention in a caring environment.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of March 23, 2010, includes requirements for nonprofit hospitals to maintain their tax-exempt status. The provision was the subject of final regulations providing guidance on the requirements of section 501(r) of the Internal Revenue Code. The regulations include a requirement that all nonprofit hospitals must conduct a community health needs assessment (CHNA) and develop an implementation strategy to address those needs every three years.

Below are links to the needs assessments and implementation plans we've executed.

Implementation Plan Progress Report: 2022-2024

Implementation Plan: Community Health Needs Assessment 2022-2024

Community Health Needs Assessment: 2022-2024

Implementation Plan Progress Report: Community Health Needs Assessment 2019-21

Implementation Plan: Community Health Needs Assessment 2019-21

Community Health Needs Assessment: 2019-21

CHNA Progress Measures: 2016-18

Implementation Plan: Community Health Needs Assessment 2016-18

Community Health Needs Assessment: 2016-18

Community Health Needs Assessment: 2013-15