Patrick Reynolds Youth Presentation
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Atlantic General Hospital’s Community Education Department brought
Patrick Reynolds, a grandson of cigarette company founder RJ Reynolds,
to speak to local school children about the dangers of tobacco and the
importance of avoiding smoking.
Visit the site below for a clip from one of his youth presentations:
Reynolds watched his father, RJ Reynolds, Jr., his oldest brother RJ Reynolds III, and other members of his family die from cigarette-induced emphysema and lung cancer. He made the decision to speak out against the industry his family helped build.
Over the years, he has pushed for stronger regulation of tobacco and he has spoken before legislators across the country about protecting and educating our nation’s youth about the dangers of cigarette smoking.
On May 18, 2012 he presented "The Truth about Tobacco" at Worcester Prep and Most Blessed Sacrament. If you have a student at one of these schools, please talk to him or her about the presentation and reinforce the importance of becoming or remaining tobacco-free.
Photo courtesy of La Grande Observer