Finding A Home For Santa House
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Berlin, Md. – The helpers at Santa House are very busy this December, filling
sacks with toys and clothes for area children in need. In their temporary
home, a space in West Ocean City donated by Atlantic General Hospital
this fall, Dena Holloway and her volunteers have received hundreds of
requests from area agencies for dolls, trucks and other goodies to make
the holidays bright for children all over Worcester County.
They’re currently in the process of fulfilling those requests, all while continuing to accept donations and looking for a new, more permanent home.
Santa House volunteers lost their work shop, an 8,000 square foot warehouse Worcester County officials allowed the organization to use free of charge for more than 10 years, in early 2014. The organization continued to collect toys, clothing and food items, packing them away in two small storage units in Snow Hill, throughout the spring and summer until Atlantic General offered empty space for the season in its new Atlantic General Medical Center in West Ocean City.
“It was an easy decision for us to donate the space to Santa House,” said Kim Justice, vice president of planning and operations for Atlantic General Hospital. “When we put together our timelines for construction and occupancy and realized we would have this space just sitting there through the fall, we thought, ‘why not put it to good use?’”
Atlantic General Hospital has had a relationship with Santa House for years, collecting clothing, toys and toiletry items from staff in conjunction with the Worcester County Sheriff’s Department for those in need.
Unfortunately, the space will be unavailable in the New Year as the hospital continues its plans to expand healthcare services to the area. Santa House will be in need of a new home.
If you have an idea for a home for Santa House or you’re interested in donating this season, you can call Santa House at 443-944-2011.