Atlantic General Hospital Sponsors Local Events

April is an active month for the Atlantic General Hospital medical staff and associates volunteering their time for community health events.

The hospital’s emergency department will sponsor the first aid stations for the 2nd Annual Royal Plus Ocean City Marathon Festival on Saturday, April 8, 2006, which benefits the Court Appointed Special Advocate Association (CASA). Atlantic General will provide first aid stations at the marathon start/finish area, the half-marathon finish area, and other locations throughout the course.

The 20th annual Worcester County AARP Health Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, April 12, 2006 at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center in Ocean City. Atlantic General Hospital will provide a mobile lab to conduct cholesterol and lipid testing and blood glucose testing. Dozens of hospital and health system medical staff and physicians will provide screenings, share information about their specialties and answer attendees’ general health questions.

Saturday, April 29, 2006 brings the annual Assateague/Berlin March of Dimes walk to prevent premature births. Atlantic General Hospital associates will be providing refreshments for walkers at the first station along the 6.8-mile route.

For more information about these or other community health events and how you can become involved, please contact Leila McCann, Visions for Total Health Coordinator, at 410-641-9268.